

I.                  Introduction:

There are many events that a university must accomplish where the participants are the students. It is either educational activities or extracurricular activities. And one factor in rating  every performance of the event is the presence of the students. Numbers of students or attendees is the first to consider and then it follows the different factors, if the event is successful or not.
As one of the leading school of higher education in the Caraga Region, Caraga State University is providing a high quality of service in each of their students. CSU have to maintain the quality of the service for almost 4000 students enrolled. Facilitating the events or the activities which involve the students is one of the services of the university. In every event’s that being perform there was a checking of the attendance to make it successful.
The current practices that being processed by a facilitators is the manual effort in which students fill out with their ID number, full name, course, year and signature to the forms or the attendance sheets in their respected colleges. In doing this manual system, it consumes more effort and a large time. This manual effort often results caused by a several problems: a large time consume in attendance, extra effort in checking the attendance, not reliable in storing the data and the security of the information of the students.
A strategic plan is to automate the attendance manual system. The system was operated by the administrator to collect the specific data of the students so as to input in the system during the time when the events are scheduled. In order to be secure the system, the administrator will first register and then ‘sign in’ the system. In checking the attendance of the students the unauthorized person will not be allowed. In the process only the administrator can edit and delete particular information.
The system was designed to provide the capability to make the flow of attendance make fast and quick. And also deals the security for each student to maintain his/her information in every event in the checking.

II. Statement of the Problem:
     The present study seeks to answer the following general problem:
  Ø  The current system is not automated.
  Ø  Time consuming in checking of attendance.
  Ø  How to assess the student checking attendance system using real data.

III. Objective of the Study:
          The general objective of the study is to design a model that will make student automated attendance.
     Ø  To design a student automated checking attendance system.
     Ø  To develop a formal model for a student automated checking attendance.
     Ø  To test the system prototype and access it using real data.

IV. Scope
       The study covers all the students of Caraga State University who is enrolled in the present semester. This study is focused only for the CSU students who are present in the existing event. This system limits only the events where the students are required to attend.

V. Significance of the study:
       This study is design to keep the records of the students attendance in every event of Caraga State University (CSU).The user is automatically and simply operate the system in a single period of time .In addition, it can lessen and burden of the student, thus, increase the quality of student checking of attendance.

Entity Relational Diagram
    In every login there is only one administrator can access the system, the administrator is mandatory to have at least one record of attendance, And the student can only have one record of attendance in every event.
  Data Flow Diagram
       The administrator will login the system first, after the login process the system will show up the following interface where one of the following function is that administrator can add entry for student attendance, next is admin can update, delete, search the students attendance record and the last one is where admin can also manage their account from the system where admin can add another account or Replace.
Context Diagram
      Administrator enters students’ data such as ID number and name to the system and show the attendance report from the system.

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